Oh... my legs.
Today Joey and I got up at the crack of dawn and enjoyed "breakfast" at the Days Inn Arlington, our wonderful "hotel." We left soon after to see the two big memorials we didn't get to last night, due to the overabundance of douchebags.
The last time I was in DC was several years ago. Since then, I have had a story rolling around in my head about the monuments and memorials, but I will post this later when it has been paid the attention it needs and deserves.
By the way, they drained the Reflecting Pool, and the Washington Monument is broken. HEARTBREAK:

Moving on.
We moved on then to the Air and Space Museum. If you're thinking about going to DC, you better be thinking about going to the Air and Space Museum. Here, you'll see planes, rocket ships, and in general a bunch of really cool shit.
IF YOU'RE ME. I should mention right now that Joey is getting ready to start a PhD program in physics. I am an English major who is getting ready to start law school. Our time in the Air and Space Museum was spent with me marveling at how science works, and Joey being amused at my elementary understanding of it. We still had a pretty good time, though.
After Air and Space, we got lunch, and I noticed signs pointing towards an open house at a nearby apartment complex. After running around in the rain for several minutes, we finally found the complex.
Holy crap, it was beautiful.
Maybe it's a sign that I'm from a smaller town and a smaller world than I want to admit, but there are areas of DC that make me swear I could be in Paris. This was one of those places. When I looked at the apartment, I was a little in shock. Hardwood floors, quartz countertops, a friggin' patio... And unfortunately, not for rent. For sale. For more money than I have seen in my life.
Luckily, the real estate agent was very nice and helpful, and was able to point me in the direction of an apartment I may end up renting. Given, it is a lot more than I had originally intended to spend per month in rent, but it's close to the law schools (not to mention the metros I would need to take to get there), it's in a safe area, and perfect for a young, single woman living in DC. I'm not wed to the idea yet (I've really only looked at two apartments), but I get the feeling I'm on the right track.
After viewing the gorgeous, unattainable apartment, Joey and I headed to the National Archives. Now, I have kind of a thing for the Constitution. When I say "kind of," I mean I love that document. It's hard to pin down exactly what about it I love so much, but I've been fascinated by it since I've started learning about it. As much as I would like to say that's the reason why I'm becoming a lawyer, it isn't. I just love what it stands for, how many times it's been interpreted.
My last boyfriend and I started dating the last time I went to DC. I expressed regret that I didn't get to see the Constitution while I was there. Maybe a month later, he went on a roadtrip, bringing me back a pocket copy of the Constitution (which I still use today) as a souvenir. When I asked him how he knew, he said "because it's like your favorite thing ever." We had barely been dating two months. It must have been pretty obvious.
Joey had to deal with my Constitutional Fan-girl-ness before we went and looked at another apartment, then went and visited The National Gallery of Art. For one reason.
Video games.
That's right, readers, from now until late September, the National Gallery is running a special exhibit on the Art of Video Games. It's a bit of a nostalgia trip, but not unpleasantly so. It was also easily the most crowded exhibit there. It gave me a big ol' lump in my throat when I realized how much it made me miss my little brother, since video games are what he and I really used to bond over. THERE ARE SO MANY PICTURES but my wifi here sucks so I'll post them at a later date.
After the National Archives and a quick dinner, Joey and I spent some time in the Natural History Museum, which we'll be returning to tomorrow. For now, I'm going to be poring over some more apartment listings, trying to get the feeling back in my feet, and reflecting on how the cherry blossoms are truly beautiful this time of year.
I can't wait to call myself a resident of this place.